+1-855-461-5433 How to download and install HP Officejet Pro 6978 driver

Do you wish to download and install HP Officejet Pro 6978 driver? To install the driver of HP Officejet Pro 6978 printer you need to first download the printer driver from the website of HP. After that launch the downloaded file which will be stored in the download folder. You have to double-click on this downloaded file to install the printer driver on your computer or laptop.
If the HP Officejet Pro 6978 driver asks to choose a connection kind during the process of installation, you can select the type of connection as USB, wired or wireless alternative based on your preferences of connection.

Instruction 1:- Reset the driver of HP 6978 Officejet Printer

  1. If you reset your printer then it will assist you in fixing the slow printing problem.
  2. In the beginning, switch on the HP Officejet Pro 6978 printer, if it is switched off.
  3. Detach the power cable which is attached with the back of the printer of HP.
  4. Also, detach the power cable from the power outlet of the wall.
  5. Now, wait for minimum one minute.
  6. Now switch on the HP Officejet Pro 6978 Printer, if it is not automatically switch on.
  7. Wait for few minutes until the printer ends the warm-up phase and let your printer stay inactive and quiet before you move to the next step.
  8.  Examine the printer driver settings. 

Instruction 2: Uninstall the printer driver

  1. You can quickly remove the printer driver. Removing this printer driver lets you install the latest version of the HP Officejet Pro 6978 driver.
  2. First, you need to detach the USB cable.
  3. From the taskbar, look for programs and features in Windows.
  4. In programs and features, you need to click on HP Officejet Pro 6978 driver and after that click on it and uninstall this driver.
  5. You need to continue according to the steps mentioned on the screen to finish the procedure of driver removal.
  6. Reboot your PC.

Instruction 3: Reinstall the driver of printer

After that, reinstall the driver of printer. You need to visit the website https://www.hptechnicalsupport247.com/ to download the printer driver.


  •  When the firmware upgrade process is going on, do not deploy or switch off the HP Officejet Pro 6978 printer and the PC.
  •  Ensure that the HP Officejet Pro 6978 Printer is switched on and examine whether you’re PC or laptop is connected to either wireless or wired network or the USB.
  • To upgrade the driver of printer you need to visit our website. You can upgrade the firmware of the printer from the driver and software downloads and input the name of the printer as HP Officejet Pro 6978 driver.
  • Click on firmware and then click over download.
  • If the firmware upgrade is not available on our portal then move to the next step.
  • After that, install the HP assistant.
  • In the HP Printer, upgrade window look for your HP Officejet Pro 6978 printer.
  • If serial number of your HP Officejet printer 6978 is mentioned then choose the serial number of the printer and then click on upgrade.
  • If the serial number of your HP Officejet Pro 6978 printer is not mentioned and your printer is deploying a network connection, attach a USB cord, wait for minimum 30 seconds and click on refresh.
  • After the upgrade is finished, click on ok.
  • If you have attached a USB cord to your printer networked, then you must uninstall the driver of USB that Windows added.
  • In the search field of Windows look for Devices and Printers and then from the results of search you need to open devices and printers.
  • The next step is to right-click on the device icon of your USB printer that resembles your model of printer and choose remove device.
  • Detach the USB cord from the printer and then reboot the PC.
  • Now enjoy printing with your printer.    

Before downloading and installing the printer driver of HP Officejet Pro 6978 printer you need to check that the printer driver is compatible with your model of printer of HP. 
If you face any difficulty in downloading or installing the printer driver or if you are unable to download and install the printer driver then don’t be annoyed. Our expert tech champs are always there for your service. Contact them via a phone call and discuss your issue with any of our customer care executives and after hearing the query a fantastic solution will be offered to you via our highly educated and experienced customer care executives.
And your issue must be resolved in few minutes. Our lines are open during the whole day and night and your issue should be gone forever.  

For more help you can visit my website and free contact us at +1-855-461-5433 


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